Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The 21st Century Business Management Needs - 1508 Words

Contemporary management no longer necessitates the use of traditional forms of management. The age of Taylorism, of Fordism, and of bureaucracy has come and gone. By some ill fate, the only way now, for organisations to survive, is to become more humane. This is not to be done through advocating for organisational culture, nor through the adoption of quality management systems, for at their core, they still personify the concept of centralised power and control. Indeed, what 21st century business management needs, is to indoctrinate the ideals of industrial democracy, and mutualism. For in doing so, management is able to address issues of organisational survivability, equality, and ultimately, the moral malaise that has plagued them for†¦show more content†¦Both definitions were created in reflection of the labour movements that occurred throughout the world, during early to mid 19th century, which then saw further momentum, during the late 19th and early 20th century. The main point to note is that industrial democracy, seeks to provide workers with a voice in the actions of their organisations, along with the human dignity that they so deserve, bereft of oppression and arbitrary actions in favour of owners desire to maximise returns. The relevance of industrial democracy is itself undeniable – be it past or present – as long as we idealize principles of democracy. America was built on a democratic principle, and thus industrial democracy should be an inherently relevant idea within the political economy. Yet, it wasn’t until mid 19th century that momentum for its implementation arose. Then when the federal government passed the National Labor Relations Act (1935), which declared in section 7 â€Å"[e]mployees shall have the rights to self organization, to form, join or assist labor organisations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities, for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection† industrial democracy had finally taken its first steps. However the act did not force management or owners to share power. Consequently, the participation of employees in

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